CHC UK Engagement

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About the Experience

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

No prior experience required

Up To 20 Learners
Language: English


Connect with hubs and clusters across the UK and South East Asia to create opportunities, collaborate and grow. Hubs and clusters drive our productivity, and build collaborative advantage together. They help us retain skills and grow in local economies, create new jobs, products and services and point to areas of future investment. They are catalysts for regeneration, research and development. Creative Hubs Connect links a British audience of hub leaders and tenants to an established international network; it connects us to educators, young people and policymakers. And this is your chance to join up. Baltic Creative has been working alongside the British Council for nearly a decade, on a variety of projects and is part of its European Creative Hubs Network project, which brings 80 UK and 200 EU hubs together to stimulate connections, collaboration and learning. Now, we’re building on the expertise of the Creative Hubs Connect platform, which links 75 clusters across South East Asia to bring people together to dream, test, create, share, imagine, innovate and explore ideas.


How to prepare

There is no need to prepare!