Edible Gardening Workshop for Beginners by Shao-Lyn Low

  • Online | Workshop

Themes & Topics

Nature & Environment

Gardening & Permaculture

Hobbies & Entertainment


Health & Safety


About the Experience

Duration: 1 hour

No prior experience required

Up To 30 Learners
Languages: English, M, a, l, a, y


They say the way to a person's heart is through the stomach, and in this Edible Gardening Workshop by Eats, Shoots & Roots, we hope to teach participants the basics of gardening through theory and a hands-on virtual gardening session, and to inspire you to know that anyone can grow, eat and live well. Your participation fee includes Starter Pot Kit (RRP: RM50 with delivery) that is complete with seeds, soil, pots, plant tags, and a mini guide -- everything to get you started on your journey to self-sustenance and discovery. This session will cover: - Introduction to Edible Gardening - Practical session to start your own edible garden - Questions and answers


How to prepare

Bring your enthusiasm, questions and all the curiosity to our workshop, as well as the Starter Pot Kit that will be mailed to your shipping address. Please come on time, so we can maximize the learnings and get to know each other. There might be updates to the meeting link , so please check your email for any additional updates!

The host will provide

  • Starter Pot Kit