Exploring Your Purpose, Passion, and Ultimately, Your Career

  • Physical | Talk
  • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Themes & Topics

Life Skills

Communication & Interpersonal Skills


Lifelong Learning

About the Experience

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

No prior experience required

Up To 100 Learners
Language: English


Are you a pre-university student curious about the future and eager to make informed choices about your career path? We invite you to join us for our enlightening event, Exploring Your Purpose, Passion, and Ultimately, Your Career.


  • To connect pre-university students to young working professionals.
  • To raise awareness of various industries and roles they can go into.
  • To create a space for reflection on how young people can navigate their life path.

We aim to be more than just an informational event; it's a space for you to contemplate and chart your life path. Join us, connect with inspiring young professionals, broaden your awareness of potential career paths, and take a critical step in the exciting journey towards your future career. Your purpose and passion are waiting to be discovered - and they might just illuminate the way to your dream career.


1. From Thailand, Sirikun Loetsakwiman (Bo), Founder, Business and Innovation Developer, KCX Earth and People Lab,

2. From Singapore, Huda Ismail, Science Teacher since 2010,

3. From Malaysia, Emily Oi, Asia Pacific Consultant, Energy Transition, Environmental Defense Fund


 Mala K, Training and Mentorship Manager, Biji-biji Initiative


Turis Tukiman, Project Manager, Biji-biji Initiative