Financing Your Education in the US

  • Physical | Talk
  • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Themes & Topics


Tertiary Education

Life Skills

Financial Literacy, Decision-making & Problem-solving

About the Experience

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

No prior experience required

Up To 25 Learners
Language: English


"I want to study in the U.S. but I can't afford it" "How much do I need to pay?" "How can I make it more affordable?" Millions of students around the world dream of studying in the United States. From improving their future prospects, getting a high quality education to having access to better opportunities - these are just some of the reasons of why students want to pursue their higher education abroad. However, studying in the U.S. can be costly for international students. Hear from Dr. Alfredo Varela, Associate Director of International Recruitment at University of Oregon and Bridget Halstead, Assistant Director of Admissions at New York University as they discuss about scholarships opportunities, differences between Merit and Need-based scholarships, what need-blind admissions means in the U.S., and work-study opportunities. Learn about how different institutions approach financial support for international students. There will be a Q&A at the end of the session. Students and parents are welcomed. Light refreshments will be served.


How to prepare

Please arrive 15 minutes before the session begins. Light refreshments will be provided at the event.