justjokes: stand-up comedy show case show featuring HINDRA BOSE , PIRAVINA, SUNDEEP SINGH, SHAMIRUL & MAHYAR!

  • Physical | Talk
  • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Themes & Topics

Art & Culture


Life Skills

Life Hacks

Hobbies & Entertainment

Show Business

About the Experience

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

No prior experience required

Up To 50 Learners
Language: English


Brand-new stand-up comedy collective showcase happening at Mereka Space @ Publika! Join us for our special feature shows at the end of every month showcasing growing talents, experienced comics and everything in between. Featured Acts: Hindra Bose is one of the top performing comedians in Malaysia today! He is one legit dude from Klang, real AF and will make sure you're aching from laugher pain. Piravina is one of the rising stars of the scene! Her relatable comedy and anecdotes of being an adult human are always a joy to watch! Sundeep Singh, has been in the scene for quite a while now and is currently one of the top faces to catch. His material is thoughtfully written so you can see the world through his eyes (oh he's also an optometrist). Shamirul Nazri is one of the rising new faces! He's shined through at our weekly open mic nights and its time for him to showcase his material to a brand new audience! Mahyar, well, is Mahyar. Definitely not a clean comic and a risk taker. You can catch him stepping on his own toes this saturday!


How to prepare

Ears, an open mind and good vibes! Showcase shows put together the best of the best in the scene featuring all kinds of stand up comedy. Please note the show starts exactly at 8:30pm, so please don't be late! Doors open for the show at 8! We will also have drinks and snacks available.