Me.reka Annual Investor Sharing Session 2022

  • Online | Talk

Themes & Topics


Strategy, Accounting & Finance, Management

About the Experience

Duration: 2 hours

No prior experience required

Up To 150 Learners
Languages: English, M, a, l, a, y


At the investor sharing session, the Me.reka team will share with our investors : Summary of the outgoing year, Financial Projections, New Branding Strategies, Pipeline updates, Outlook for the incoming year 2022- ASEAN and beyond, Future growth & Funding Plans, Open floor discussion with our investors. The session will be held via an online Zoom meeting. Participants are welcome to share their questions and suggestions in the chatbox or direct them to our team during the Q&A session. From the session, our investors will have an overview of our plans for the year, to provide constructive input and channels for Me.reka to continue to grow.


How to prepare

You should check your emails for the confirmation of the booking with the Zoom link for the session. You will also be sent a reminder email an hour before the session.

The host will provide

  • Slides