Smart Factory Operational Technologies For Industry 4.0

  • Online | Workshop

Themes & Topics

Engineering & Manufacturing

Industry 4.0

Digital & Information Technologies

Data Science


Digital Skills

About the Experience

Duration: 3 hours

No prior experience required

Up To 20 Learners
Languages: English, M, a, l, a, y


Why it matters? Smart Factory takes current manufacturing processes to Industry 4.0 standards; highly effective and efficient machines which are capable of data generation, visualization, and analytics. The integration collaboration-based concept of a Smart Factory provides a holistic approach towards integration of technologies related to Industry 4.0 in a manufacturing process. This session would provide an overview on the Operational Technologies used for Smart Factory and Industry 4.0 applications. The participants would gain insights on the relevant application strategies towards implementing operational technologies of a smart factory to acquire real-time data visualization and formulation for Industry 4.0.


How to prepare

This will be an online webinar session.