Autism in the Kitchen : Empowering Special Needs Individuals Through Thermomix

  • Physical | Workshop
  • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Themes & Topics

Health & Safety


Wellness & Spirituality

Personal Growth & Development

Life Skills

Family & Kids

About the Experience

Duration: 6 hours

No prior experience required

Up To 20 Learners
Languages: English, Malay


Dr Izam Suziani is health professional and a mother of 6. She was previously a General Practitioner and she was also known for her contributions in babywearing as well as emotional health. After her youngest child was diagnosed as having Autism Spectrum Disorder, she resigned from medical practice. Being at home with a special child most of the time, she struggles to make ends meet. It was until she discovered the Thermomix, that her life started to be more balanced.  Join her as she unravels how Thermomix not only helps her provide nutritious food for her family, but also functions as a self development tool for her autistic child.


How to prepare

The venue does not provide parking, so you will need to park at the Menara Olympia building next door and walk over. There is also an open aired parking lot next to The Godown and parking spaces near the church behind Muzium Telekom. You may also opt to take LRT/MRT to Masjid Jamek station and walk over or simply take a Grab Car directly to Muzium Telekom.