Finding Solo Short Film Documentary Screening with Q&A

  • Physical | Event
  • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Themes & Topics

Nature & Environment

Environmental Issues



Hobbies & Entertainment


About the Experience

Duration: 1 hour

No prior experience required

Up To 100 Learners
Language: English


Finding Solo follows Malaysian-born filmmaker, Myles Storey, as he returns home in search of Solo, a white-handed gibbon believed to be the last of his kind in Bukit Serdang. With help from a primate photographer, local hikers, and Malaysia's leading gibbon expert, Myles tracks down Solo, discovers how unique gibbons are and witnesses the direct impact that human development can have on their lives. Gibbons usually live in small family groups where mated pairs sing duets every morning in a coordinated fashion. But in Solo's home, an isolated forest split by a highway, there is only one song. This is Solo's story, but what will he teach us about ourselves? This screening of the 15 minute short film documentary will be accompanied with a Q&A session with filmmaker Myles, Bam of the Gibbons Conservation Society & Peter Ong.