Joey's Tempeh Workshop

  • Physical | Workshop
  • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Themes & Topics

Food & Beverages



Lifelong Learning

About the Experience

Duration: 2 hours

No prior experience required

Up To 20 Learners
Language: English


Tempeh: that dish of fermented soybean which becomes a tasty snack when friend, a substitute for protein in vegan meals, and which is also a staple of Indonesian cuisine. This dynamic dish is also something that you can make at home! This workshop is part of a series of fermentation workshops taking place at The Zhongshan Building throughout the month of February under “Share the Mat!”, a project organised in collaboration with artist Yee I-Lann. Learn how to make delicious tempeh from scratch using raw beans, in this tempeh workshop with Joey. All materials will be provided, and you’ll even get to bring home your own handmade tempeh and a tempeh starter.


How to prepare

Arrive on time to ensure smooth operations.