Pre-Departure Orientation

  • Physical | Event
  • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Themes & Topics


Tertiary Education



Wellness & Spirituality

Personal Growth & Development

About the Experience

Duration: 7 hours

No prior experience required

Up To 200 Learners
Languages: English, M, a, l, a, y


Ready to depart for the United States? Our annual pre-departure orientation is back! Attend this session and meet our EducationUSA advisers, current students and alumni as they provide information and resources that will help you prepare for new experiences and develop skills to adjust to new challenges. Topics discussed include visa briefing, cultural differences, motivation, changes from your home environment, academic systems and expectations, housing, and coping in a new cultural setting. Learn more and connect with other students in preparation for your departure to the U.S.!


How to prepare

Students attending should already be accepted to a U.S. college/university. Kindly fill up the form below so we can assign you to your break out rooms accordingly. Priority for attendance is given to students but please indicate the number of attendees as parents are also welcomed!

The host will provide

  • Pens
  • Notebooks
  • Info Packets