Representation & Empathy in Games: Bringing stories to life through diversity & inclusion

  • Online | Talk

Themes & Topics

Digital & Information Technologies

Games Development


Game Design

Social Impact

Social Issues

About the Experience

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

No prior experience required

Up To 300 Learners
Language: English


Can video games effectively advocate for the underrepresented and marginalized groups? Join guest speakers Suan Goh, Leeying Foo and Akira Thompson along with moderator Yee I-Van, as we discuss the importance of diversity and inclusion in the creation of video games and examine how games empower self identity and encourage empathy for others. For more information on the Games Bagus webinar series, visit


How to prepare

All you need is a device that supports the Zoom teleconferencing application or a web browser that supports Zoom. For the best experience, download the Zoom app and join via laptop/PC.