Scale Your Business with Mereka Connect

  • Online | Event

Themes & Topics

Life Skills

Communication & Interpersonal Skills


Alternative Education

Digital & Information Technologies

Digital Literacy

About the Experience

Duration: 1 hour

No prior experience required

Up To 100 Learners
Language: English


Do you host events - be it workshops, trainings, talks, webinars, networking sessions - for either the public or your members? Still relying on the conventional forms of event registrations, payments, and participant management? Tired of managing different accounts on multiple platforms for your events, or paying exorbitant subscription fees? Then look no further for Mereka Connect is here to make your business operations a whole lot easier. Mereka Connect’s digital solution enables your success and scalability through community, resource and content management with an all-encompassing platform that becomes your own. Zoom link:


How to prepare

Having access to a stable internet connection