Studio Mastery

  • Physical | Workshop
  • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Themes & Topics

Digital & Information Technologies

Digital Literacy

Hobbies & Entertainment

Movies & Film Industry

About the Experience

Duration: 3 hours

No prior experience required

Up To 5 Learners
Languages: English, Malay


In this Experience, you will learn how to operate the Fourth Creators Studio, and have a go at shooting your own creative photos or recording a short video utilising what you've learnt.

  • Hands-on demo on setting up and using the studio camera (A7C)
  • Set up studio lighting (3-point light setup) and learn about audio recording equipment
  • Try your hands at a self-portrait booth to record a short video or take a professional headshot

Training Venue: Fourth Creators Studio, Publika Shopping Gallery, Kuala Lumpur
Training Fee: RM65

E-certificates will be provided. Photos and videos taken during the Experience will be sent to you via email afterwards. For more information about the workshop, please contact